Swings and slide set for Camp Grace for orphans: bless a child who has never been on a swing set before! $220 to goal!

Help Pasha's dream come true: swings and slides at Camp Grace for orphans!

  • Many of the kids who come to Camp Grace this summer have never been on a swing set;
  • Camp Grace is a Christian outreach for orphans and single moms who are trying to keep their children out of the orphanage;
  • Karen Jones will be leading a mission trip to Russia in June and would like to erect the swing and slide set while there;
  • We still need a little over $200 to pay for the swing set;
  • Your donation of any size will bless a child at Camp Grace this summer;
  • 100% of your donation today goes to Camp Grace for Russian orphans.
God bless you for considering a gift today!

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